Performance suit for VR

Exit reality using our navigation and performance suit for virtual reality

EXIT SUIT is a full-body support that lets you move in amazing ways.

EXIT SUIT has full- body force-feedback potential.

EXIT SUIT is sustainable technology.

EXIT SUIT is modular and will evolve with the user.

EXIT SUIT is the future of human/computer interface.

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A performance suit for virtual reality.

hello at exitsuit dot com

EXIT SUIT Ltd warn you that performance suits for VR are inherently dangerous. Your safety while flailing around on a rotating pole with your eyes covered by technology is impossible to ensure. Force-feedback motors attached to the body and controlled by A.I. or other players has potential for harm. Material strengths and build quality will vary among makers. We ask that all users of the EXIT SUIT do so knowing they take full responsibilities for the risks themselves, just as they do when getting on a bike or skateboard.

Patent pending.
Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

EXIT SUIT Awesome Award at AWE 2023

The intellectual property and all design rights remain the ownership of EXIT SUIT Ltd,
20 Hoxton Square, London N1 6NT, company number 13380988, registered in England & Wales